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Olympic Year- Walkathon

We are super excited to kick off our annual Walk-a-Thon for this school year!


 For our new bees and a refresher for those returning, the Walk-a-Thon is our main fundraiser for the school year and we rely heavily on our families to help spread the word and raise funds. This event assists and supports our school’s Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) in accomplishing goals to benefit our students. Students are asked to collect pledges and donations from friends and family members. Then, on October 18, 2024, the students will walk or run laps to “earn” their donations.  


Our monetary goal this year is $50,000.

This money will go towards creating a multi-use covered outdoor space for our students and families to enjoy!


In addition to friends and family, a large portion of the Walk-a-Thon funds comes from our local business sponsors. These sponsors will be listed on the back of our walkathon shirt so this information must be turned in NO LATER THAN September 27th. 


We encourage you to start this part of the fundraising now! Attached, you will find a sponsorship packet you can give to businesses. The sponsorship information included in this packet describes the donation levels and incentives that we are offering to this year’s business sponsors. It also includes an introductory letter with instructions for the businesses to follow. When giving the packets to a sponsor, make sure your child’s/children’s first and last name is on the form; this ensures that your child(ren) will get credit that will count toward their prizes. If more than one child’s name is on the form, it will be split equally between all the students listed on the form.  If you need additional packets, you can request them from the office or make copies of your own.


Be sure to send in funds as you receive them as this year is an “Olympic” theme and classrooms will have a chance to “stand” at the top of the podium each week for the class that has the highest donations. The team/class in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place spots at the end of the fundraising will earn special class incentives. Students will receive a lanyard at the kickoff pep rally in 2 weeks! Each week the top team/class will receive a shoe token they can add to that lanyard as an incentive for being in the lead. We find this brings a fun sense of competition to the classrooms and hype for the big day! 


If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us.


Thank you for your continued support of our school!


- The Bel-Aire Elementary PTO (

Sponsor Letter


Sponsor Incentives


Sponsor Registration

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